The Podcast Breakdown : Naming and Branding Your Podcast


DonOvan Johnson: Welcome to the podcast and well 321, this is the unnamed podcast I’m wondering host my name is Donovan Jensen.

Gregory Coleman: And I’m Greg Coleman.

DonOvan Johnson: And we’re going to be in this episode talking about how to brand your podcast hosts what it takes to host a podcast and got to come up with a name so.

Gregory Coleman: We.

DonOvan Johnson: will discuss those in this next episode.

Gregory Coleman: So this episode we’re definitely going to look at the things that make your podcast the podcast so like what do you have to do to find your for people to find your podcast and people to remember your podcast and you know and it’s all about branding.

Gregory Coleman: And so, the first thing I want to talk about.

Gregory Coleman: Is is basically the name, we can we’re talking about how do you pick a name for a podcast and then and then, what do you do with it.

Gregory Coleman: So, right now, of course, you have the unnamed podcasts and that’s got to go.

DonOvan Johnson: Others there’s others that I called the unnamed guys which I’m surprised I like what.

Gregory Coleman: there’s a lot of them so so we’re going to talk about it and I’m going down on on the thing the first manager was like consider you know our content and our content is basically.

Gregory Coleman: Building a building a podcast you know what if we had to close your eyes and imagine what we’re talking about it’s it would be showing up building a podcast, but I think, making a podcasting called building a podcast.

Gregory Coleman: we’re not we don’t we don’t really know, but you know let’s look at the.

Gregory Coleman: You know the different types of names like some of them can be really direct like the biggest one is you know the Joe Rogan Experience.

Gregory Coleman: I don’t know how to keep using him as an example, but.

Gregory Coleman: it’s really direct you know it’s Joe Rogan.

DonOvan Johnson: You, and he has so many so many listeners and so many.

Gregory Coleman: downloads.

DonOvan Johnson: he’s he’s like the one that you would go to talk about just like Jordan and basketball yes.

Gregory Coleman: Yes, and then you know some names there they’re just sort of.

Gregory Coleman: Just sort of mysterious there’s some of them, you know they’re gonna like Okay, I think they want to make them unique.

Gregory Coleman: So when you search for them, you will find them right there, the only one name that So if you go to Spotify if you go to apple and you search for the name they’re going to be the only one that comes up.

Gregory Coleman: And I think one of the things that we found was the fact that you know the unnamed podcast is a pretty common name.

Gregory Coleman: down when you see my screen.

DonOvan Johnson: Yes, I’m looking at it now.


Gregory Coleman: So this is.

Gregory Coleman: This is the podcast index and they’ve got you know tons and tons of stuff on different kinds of podcasts, but one thing they have is they have a search.

Gregory Coleman: search for like.


Gregory Coleman: And the one thing that I noticed with that the unnamed podcast is this is actually a category.

Gregory Coleman: podcast and the name, so you got a category and your name in it it’s like.

DonOvan Johnson: that’s gonna be a whole bunch of those sort through so we were just throwing it together, just to have something out there in the very beginning, but we were not trying to stay with the unnamed package, especially when there’s so many others out there and then it’s a category as well.

Gregory Coleman: yeah knows.

DonOvan Johnson: How to do so soon.

Gregory Coleman: yeah this is unnamed reverse engineering podcast unnamed.

Gregory Coleman: soccer podcast as yet unnamed you know so someone actually said Oh, we have the unnamed podcast and they went for it.

Gregory Coleman: They wouldn’t find it.

DonOvan Johnson: yeah and then they were saying those things like the unnamed by being a category and then podcast being a category, you should drop the podcast to it’s like everything’s a podcast the podcast universe so.

DonOvan Johnson: We need to come up with something that doesn’t have either one of those I named a category or the podcasts, which is what it is, then, we joked on it, on the other, say, like pizza yeah but it’s branded by something what she was going to be a little Caesar which is.

DonOvan Johnson: It was easy.


DonOvan Johnson: We need to come up with a name and something that searchable something that’s easy to.

DonOvan Johnson: to pronounce For one thing, and that gives you a mental picture, so you, you get an idea of what we offer so.

DonOvan Johnson: that’s gonna be a kind of challenge.

Gregory Coleman: yeah it will be, but you know that’s what we’re trying, and you know when you want to do your podcast you’re gonna have to name it too.

DonOvan Johnson: yeah So this is the precursor the training wheels podcast.

Gregory Coleman: Only got training wheels.

Gregory Coleman: hey you.

Gregory Coleman: have to deliver the content we’re going to do.

Gregory Coleman: Right now I’m trying to bring up our podcast.

Gregory Coleman: So you can see it, so you can see the name.

Gregory Coleman: And so there, it is an apple connect.

Gregory Coleman: In this.


Gregory Coleman: Well, I think it’s pretty good since we didn’t really advertise or anything.

Gregory Coleman: No and going back to the podcast index, even if we have unnamed with a space in between there’s still tons.

Gregory Coleman: Of podcast name that the unnamed church there’s.

Gregory Coleman: there’s just tons so we do have to find a name.

DonOvan Johnson: yeah.

DonOvan Johnson: The do’s and don’ts of podcasts don’t use the word.

I’m man named.

Gregory Coleman: It is so it’s like.


Gregory Coleman: I think you know, I think, for you, you’re gonna have to think about your content right.

Gregory Coleman: it’s like what kind of podcasts and come up with a name and.

Gregory Coleman: hmm and one of the other things is it’s a sink, why do you use the word says it, or do you say short.

Gregory Coleman: Keep it simple short.

Gregory Coleman: Short people.

Gregory Coleman: huh yeah.

DonOvan Johnson: Can you imagine how many things are short would come up.

Gregory Coleman: yeah.

DonOvan Johnson: Would you say succinct and then I’ll make them, so what is the sink.

DonOvan Johnson: Is that in a think.

Gregory Coleman: This has anything to.

DonOvan Johnson: keep insisting that three or four words and no more than 15 to 20 characters is what they six yes, so the shorter, the better easier to roll off the Tongue, the more easy it is to pronounce so yeah.

Gregory Coleman: I think well you know here’s the other we’re going to get into that when we talk about images next, but the whole thing is it’s like people look at your podcast on their phone.

Gregory Coleman: Right and so, if you have a huge title it’s like oh, that the trials and tribulations of World War Two dairy farmers, you can have that.

Gregory Coleman: is just going to go down too much.

Gregory Coleman: stuff on there and.

Gregory Coleman: I’m really bad at making up just crazy names for a podcast.

Gregory Coleman: With that.

Gregory Coleman: But the whole thing has to be small enough to fit.

DonOvan Johnson: A carpenter’s guide to such and such.

DonOvan Johnson: guys urban network, you know.

Gregory Coleman: would work.

Gregory Coleman: And so llc keep it searchable and that’s one of the other things that.

Gregory Coleman: Although the unnamed podcast.

Gregory Coleman: was going through some things really quickly but.

Gregory Coleman: You know, because we don’t have another name we’re gonna have to think about.

Gregory Coleman: It, we have to keep it searchable because no one wants to have to spell society.

Gregory Coleman: it’s like although you know it’s like Do I really want to type that or do I want to type short, I want to type the word short that’s cool type so it’s like it has to be.

Gregory Coleman: It has a.

Gregory Coleman: Type rating searchable yeah.

DonOvan Johnson: Short and sweet.

Gregory Coleman: And briefing yeah exactly.

Gregory Coleman: So you know people might write like people might like longer titles, but I think whatever title we have, I think it really needs to be short and that’s all people can search it and hope it will be somewhat.

Gregory Coleman: unique you know.

Gregory Coleman: And so let’s see one of the things is if you get a name say it out loud right because one thing is podcaster audio.

DonOvan Johnson: audio helps you because you have I mean, I know, video helps because you have a visual.

DonOvan Johnson: And kind of make that but if you’re going to the audio you need to come up with something that’s memorable.

Gregory Coleman: easy to pronounce.

DonOvan Johnson: And that they can just say Okay, I know what I’m looking for you know.

Gregory Coleman: If someone said oh i’m looking for you know something they can actually say oh I’m gonna go search for that.

Gregory Coleman: You know there’s a lot of shows that have names like what did I miss or something like that, but you know type like you know what did I miss podcast.

Gregory Coleman: Because people can understand it, they can hear it.

DonOvan Johnson: yeah you know, some people have a podcast of how to train a dog which you can’t say how to train it.

DonOvan Johnson: sits back.

Gregory Coleman: Actually, sits by would be a good name for a dog podcast.

DonOvan Johnson: that’s what just came to my mind i’m.

DonOvan Johnson: worried.

DonOvan Johnson: That i’m bringing the names, you know.

DonOvan Johnson: My your brother listened to it and get some good ideas, and I, he said he liked the name I was just don’t have that no name together with no name when.

DonOvan Johnson: They were looking for know name with two e’s or with.

Gregory Coleman: that’d be ville name.

DonOvan Johnson: No name is like unnamed but.

Gregory Coleman: yeah but.

DonOvan Johnson: No we’re not going to use that.

DonOvan Johnson: I don’t think.

Gregory Coleman: So.

Gregory Coleman: And there’s one thing is like should use the word podcast in your title and normally.

Gregory Coleman: I think not, I think, but for us, I think it’s different because it’s about a podcast.

DonOvan Johnson: yeah but it’s gonna get cluttered up with the other podcast.

DonOvan Johnson: As a category that’s The thing is Academy.

DonOvan Johnson: podcast packets, though, and.

Gregory Coleman: Then the name.

DonOvan Johnson: it’s all from.

DonOvan Johnson: The flow know.

DonOvan Johnson: We weren’t sure where the floor with our first episode is like what are you guys doing.

DonOvan Johnson: We don’t know.

Gregory Coleman: Which way you know.

Gregory Coleman: you’re definitely getting there.

DonOvan Johnson: We don’t know-how about that.

Gregory Coleman: Definitely so.

Gregory Coleman: So I mean here’s the thing I.

Gregory Coleman: don’t have a name.

Gregory Coleman: I just wanted to go over the things for me to think about picking a name, you know if you’re listening to this you’re probably going to go.

Gregory Coleman: So what’s the name it’s like well you’re gonna have to keep listening to find out what the name is going to be.

Gregory Coleman: You probably already know because prior to changing the name by now.

Gregory Coleman: But.

DonOvan Johnson: we’re gonna.

DonOvan Johnson: we’re gonna learn how to come up with a short name that’s memorable.

DonOvan Johnson: Right now, we don’t have one yet.

Gregory Coleman: So, but.

DonOvan Johnson: If we have a platform, they could give us suggestions.

DonOvan Johnson: We have to have a podcast with them to find us to give us suggestions and we’re not there yet.

Gregory Coleman: we’re definitely not there I’m just looking at all the unnamed pop can be so far on a podcast.

DonOvan Johnson: Oh wow that’s cool.

Gregory Coleman: That is what.

Gregory Coleman: Are they gonna chain so far it’s a name.

Gregory Coleman: name of somebody else but you know pretty much if you’ve already subscribed here’s the thing if you’ve already subscribed to it.

Gregory Coleman: In like Spotify or apple when you change the name it still says you’re still subscribed you don’t lose anyone who subscribed, so if you haven’t subscribed, please subscribe.

Gregory Coleman: In no matter what.

DonOvan Johnson: so very much we appreciate.

Gregory Coleman: clicking subscribe.

Gregory Coleman: To newsletter and rate when apple so for what you do, you still have it, no matter what we changed her name to.

DonOvan Johnson: Mm-hmm.

DonOvan Johnson: that’s got some other examples.

Gregory Coleman: But that’s that’s actually our questions.


Gregory Coleman: Let me get a better image so yeah so.

Gregory Coleman: we’re gonna bring.

Gregory Coleman: Our image.

DonOvan Johnson: yeah the white on the white lettering on their photo makes it stand out that was pretty good.

Gregory Coleman: So I’m just going to describe it so basically it’s a photo of a pair of earphones on a wooden desk and there’s a computer and the unnamed podcast is written in white over it.

Gregory Coleman: It was done.

Gregory Coleman: Really really quickly.

DonOvan Johnson: yeah those headphones.

DonOvan Johnson: headphones in the.

DonOvan Johnson: it’s like the left-hand corner portion of a laptop.

Gregory Coleman: You know so that’s what we have now and let’s go through a list, and you know and sort of look at some of the things you know, we should be doing with our cover art so.

Gregory Coleman: You know, so we should.

Gregory Coleman: You know design the podcast visual identity, you know I’m a computer guy you know the visual identity, we say that I’m not really sure, but.

Gregory Coleman: I think, at some point, we’re going to have to figure out.

Gregory Coleman: The identity and then figure out the visual identity, you know what what is the target audience going to like looking at I think it’s going to be, you know the sort of difficult, but we don’t really have a name and we don’t really have.

Gregory Coleman: A visual identity, yet.

Gregory Coleman: We don’t have an identity, yet.

DonOvan Johnson: Well, what is our goal.

DonOvan Johnson: To help people who don’t know how to start a podcast started.


Gregory Coleman: and

DonOvan Johnson: we’re examples how about the example.

DonOvan Johnson: podcast.

Gregory Coleman: That that’s a good visual example it’s like learning stuff maybe a school kind of visual or something.

Gregory Coleman: And so let’s hope so we’re still figuring this out guy so that’s what you heard as talking.

Gregory Coleman: it’s you know somebody I think it’s like our image, was a very high-resolution picture.

Gregory Coleman: that’s important.

Gregory Coleman: It is important because, if it’s fuzzy it doesn’t really look very well, especially if you stretch it so when you’re building this right.

Gregory Coleman: And you pick a low-resolution image a look at on your phone it’ll look fine, but then, when you look on an on a computer it’ll look for green.

DonOvan Johnson: yeah if it’s.

DonOvan Johnson: There are 10 at 10 normally so that’s the standard.

High quality.

Gregory Coleman: I did, I think, ours is like 2000 by 2008 it shrunk it down.

Gregory Coleman: But I used to be, but, like, I said that one I think I didn’t like five minutes.

Gregory Coleman: Early did something else is using simple high contrast imagery, which is something we didn’t do.

Gregory Coleman: You know I really have to think about that, like I like the picture, with the computer in the earphones.

Gregory Coleman: You know, but.

Gregory Coleman: But does it pop, as you know, much as having like a clear image right, or maybe you have the white on a color background and then like earphones off to the side or something.

DonOvan Johnson: yeah that could be it.

DonOvan Johnson: Because you want to see everything, and so you can make sure that, especially with the fox.

DonOvan Johnson: They stretch and have loops and stuff you want to be able to.

DonOvan Johnson: Make sure you see it correctly, so if you’re doing it with a photo like the headphones and then the silver keyboard and the paper with the pin it’s just better to have a solid background like we’re seeing some good examples.

Gregory Coleman: I think so, too, I think, since you.

Gregory Coleman: Where they were good, you need to pick colors right so here’s my I pick the color to sort of a random.

Gregory Coleman: yeah I wish I was a designer but you know I think there’s you have to decide, you know what your major color is going to be and what the color the fonts are going to be I just did a white just to make it pop sort of on top.

Gregory Coleman: yeah you know if I did black and what a blended in or something, but I think.

DonOvan Johnson: The headphones were black and the.

DonOvan Johnson: keyboard he’s the key we’re going to keys on the laptop or black as well.

Gregory Coleman: yeah so I had to go with like you know, a really a really light color just to get it across and you know, and when you’re doing that the other thing you have to do is make sure that.

Gregory Coleman: When I’m putting the words that it’s pretty legible on like cell phone screens because people listen to it on cell phones and that’s one thing I was really I like I said I did it just as a placeholder.

DonOvan Johnson: have something.

Gregory Coleman: yeah and when I update and basically the way we’ll get into this next week about how podcasting works, but I can replace the image and it will update the image on Spotify on apple everywhere.

DonOvan Johnson: Now why, why are those the two main ones i’m sure there are others but.

DonOvan Johnson: Those are leaders.

DonOvan Johnson: Spotify and then I mean what is your workaround.

Gregory Coleman: that’s gonna be the next episode.

DonOvan Johnson: Oh OK OK.

DonOvan Johnson: Oh that’s hosting oh my bad.

Gregory Coleman: yeah this.

DonOvan Johnson: Show listen to me I don’t know what i’m talking about I never did.

Gregory Coleman: What I’m.

DonOvan Johnson: Talking about.


Gregory Coleman: The next week, the computer show, I mean that’s like more my my my thing.

DonOvan Johnson: So sum it up we’re looking for the things that make it pop the name and with the imagery and we’re going to be seeing what is easy to see you know, based on colors and background and those things so.

DonOvan Johnson: we’re down to the last minute and 30 seconds so.

DonOvan Johnson: i’m assuming by.

Gregory Coleman: It does go, but you know I always have so much to talk about.

Gregory Coleman: And in time just goes by.

Gregory Coleman: You know it, it really does.

Gregory Coleman: Time waits for no one time.

Gregory Coleman: Time time waits for no one but yeah we should have we should have done something you should.

Gregory Coleman: We should have done photographs it didn’t have such a busy background and we’re gonna have to work on that, like the name we’re going to keep working on it and.

Gregory Coleman: The reason we’re letting you see you know, basically, how the sausage is made is you know if you’re worried about making a podcast go ahead and make it right and you’ll and you’ll figure these things out.

Gregory Coleman: To just like we’re figuring it out it’s like let’s just put up an image, now we figured out what’s wrong with that image and now we’re going to keep going.

DonOvan Johnson: And just put up a name will we find that you know because you’re really gonna find out, as you go along the things that work and the things that work.

DonOvan Johnson: And there’s so many examples of things that don’t work and so we’re one of that we want to know.

Gregory Coleman: That didn’t work so let’s go and we’re not afraid.

DonOvan Johnson: Because really I and Greg used to always look at things this way let’s make it perfect first.

DonOvan Johnson: And you’ll end up life happens you end up with procrastination or things just are not happening anymore so like I hate to steal from Nike but just do it.

Gregory Coleman: Definitely, just to.

Gregory Coleman: yeah that means our times up but.

Gregory Coleman: it’s been great and the next show will be a little bit tricky part and we’re going to talk about hosting.

DonOvan Johnson: hosting.

DonOvan Johnson: And it’s not me and Greg being the host because we are those.

DonOvan Johnson: i’m DonOvan Johnson and.

DonOvan Johnson: Eric Coleman.

DonOvan Johnson: Were the host of the so-called you know we calling it this just to hold a place.

DonOvan Johnson: I name podcast We appreciate you for listening, you know we’re on apple and how we’re going to Spotify.

Gregory Coleman: we’re on Spotify.

DonOvan Johnson: yeah well I Spotify and apple and as we go, we grow, and we thank you for being a part of this, beginning with us and we’re going to continue on until we get it right.

DonOvan Johnson: yeah we’re not.

we’re not scared.

DonOvan Johnson: don’t be scared.

Gregory Coleman: Okay, and until next time.

DonOvan Johnson: Talk to you then.

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