Podcast Breakdown : Podcasts and Radio, Part 2


D : Welcome back to the podcast breakdown and i'm D your your host and Greg Coleman is my coast hey I agree.

D : we're doing, part two, where we were talking about broadcast.

D : terminology and some of the things that you've heard of but you probably know the details of what it is and be working in radio for over 30 years point is ancient.

D : there's terminology and things that are translating into our podcast as well, so there was words like music bed and bumpers like eggs.

D : cues X.

D : Was the other one.

G : cues faith.

D : comes failure so.

D : And a lot of that does translate into even though it's not broadcast his podcast so dealing with a dealing with that there's some similarity so.

D : Bad we had mentioned that because we were we were trying to find royalty free music to where we were going to do our intro which is.

D : Your work, you know you're beginning like saying, welcome to the podcast breakdown and what we're going to discuss in this episode will be our teeth and a tease is kind of like letting you know ahead of time going.

D : Just not jumping into the actual.

D : episode you're teasing and you know, similar to what they do a news on TV is there.

D : Something in your water to be killing you.

D : Coming up at 11 o'clock.

D : So you mean it's nine in the morning I gotta wait till 11 o'clock.

D : And something can be killing me in my water, but if it's really important they're going to be there for that so that's a tease and we were talking about the word bumper or.

D : bumper was the one that I said it was kind of funny I said what is.

D : A bumper and that's a audio segment it's pre recorded and consistent, for your voiceover over the music so you're talking over the music and normally it's like if you have a radio station they do commercials and they're.

D : Going into news and coming out of news, there have a bumper.

D : And sort of you know sort of like it's not a Jingle, even though I was going to use the word sort of like a Jingle but no it's it's music or sound effects before you start talking and before.

G : You know they start describing word.

D : what's going on in.

D : Commercial bed so and I bed is what's laying down underneath when you bring up the sound like about talk over some music and then I fade it down fading it's bringing it lower but it's not turning it off it's going to be just barely noticeable or not interacting.

D : or conflicting with.

D : Your your vocals or whatever sound effects so.

D : you're going to have that going underneath and that's why it's called a bit less it just lays underneath and so you're not having.


D : dead air see what I just did there, this is dead air.

D : to silence, but even if you stop in between what you're what you're reading or discussing and music and you take a breath music is still going to go there, so it's not going to go to that silence so that's what a bad is a B ED.

G : and

D : Like the bumper goes up against like we said it goes before the commercial break and some of the things that you can say over but it's similar and what was the other and our tag was is that the one.

G : yeah we had tag we had to add cut faden.

D : Okay now Q.

D : can work two different.

D : Two different ways and radio Q means it's like you're gonna.

G : Like with.

D : music.

D : You can queue up a record, that means you're starting to beginning and back it up, so when you start talking you're going to say, I have three seconds to talk before.

D : The guitar starts playing and you want to say something, and you know you can talk like for three seconds is like hey it's time for the Internet.

D : So that did I did I you know I would say hey my voice and then, when the sound effect on it's time for freddie's fajita corner, you know you talk about whatever and then you know that's like announcing.

D : or making a transition between what you're going to be talking about.

D : But it's generally.

D : queuing it up.

G : there's a queue.

D : And then there's a thing called in queue and i'll cue where the music is playing and and they have the times in parentheses like say 17 seconds.

D : you're gonna you know the music's gonna drop down so that's when you say and available at asco jewel you know, whatever wherever you get your oil from you know.

D : auto zone, whatever so that means the music is going to bring down lower in the queue is for you to come in your queue is to come in at that point 17 seconds so.

G : It means that, as you.

G : said before.

D : i'm or 17 seconds before transition like.

D : You would come in and talk and then the queue would be that.

D : You wouldn't want to be talking about that.

D : So.

D : So that's what it is.

D : And then we were gonna say what was the other one I think you said.

G : Your turn my queue in different ways that I cut.

D : Okay.

D : But I was gonna say what what a tag was.

Oh yeah.


D : Let me.

G : This is, this is all new for me so i'm still learning all the terms, but I think.

D : A lot of short it's a short addition.

D : Like you say available at auto zone, you know the tag is after the commercial run, then you, you know they come back in available at your at your nearby auto zone.

D : You know, or only at participating.

D : mcdonald's you know that's that's a tag because the commercial ran and it's over with, but now you're going to come in and record that portion.

G : that's just you know.

The additional.

D : it's an addition to what the commercial had you not summing it up, but it is available these stores, but if you're not on TV at the name those stores available at high low you know piggly wiggly.

D : Never.

D : You know I always throw any crazy, you know, like as they auto zone different things they're not sponsoring us, but you could.

G : You can sponsors, I have a question, though.

G : i'm recording is there, like a standard way people leave cues in the recording so betters don't know where to cut.

G : Your like some kind of.

G : Radio kind of standard.

D : Well it's you know it's it.

G : is very helpful.

D : You know, so when when you get to a point, say okay i've discussed enough of that so you say okay IQ here would be you can edit that out and go to the next Q would be you're going to take everything between those two.

D : And now that's not there, and this, you know cuz it's like you might be summon up something that's already been talked about or or coming up you don't want to you know have that into early, so these accuse markers of actual copy and then, when you go to edit because.

D : When I record a lot of stuff is transcribed so all the things that you're saying is in like we're doing this podcast it's actually being transcribed written written out in word form, so you can go back and Edit those but if I say i'm and oh yeah the always still be in there, you know.

D : You it's not really helping anything oh yeah What was it um.

D : So you wouldn't want that in here, so you go back in and take those out so it does help with the editing as well.

G : Now this this this show actually transformed my other my other podcast I would actually um I don't know if this is some kind of standard, but I would actually clap.

G : It like if I made a mistake and I wanted to mark a point in the in the audio I clap and then do it over again, and so, when i'm.

D : Looking at it tells you where to stop.

G : Yes, when.

G : When I look at the audio I can see that spike.

G : was like Okay, I just have to I just have to like go to hear and cut to like where we're going to cut, but as a way for me to like remember like locations your.

D : Attention ahead of time before you would need to do so as a cue, that is, the queue.

G : But yeah when you see online and you see on the on the MP3 file when you're editing it will you'll see that spike in there.

D : yeah so and you definitely don't want any parts of that so you're gonna roll it before that and get rid of.

G : The.

D : bad thing down.

G : The people do like take one take to take three in radio.

D : Day according that's old school, but they still some.

D : Some you know they say and three, to take one.

D : I mean take you because you know you already messed up a flubbed it up, as they call it, and then you can just say okay i'm going to go to the third day.

D : And that's when we're going to use, because sometimes you just the flow or even if you didn't make mistakes, though, well, I was, I was speaking to quickly.

G : And you work at your.

D : listener can understand, and here you know, and so the ear can pick up you know exactly what you're saying that sometimes you know you'll slur your speech or.

D : Is that what it doesn't sound exactly what I wanted to sound like so you just gone to the tech tech three.

D : And then you go back at the end you say Okay, that was the long version, so you can have that that one is to take five and then take nine is the last one, so you can just get rid of all the others, and it helps along with the editing process.

G : yeah the editing process is always is always a pain for me and i'm always wondering well radios different because you can't really edit radio, you know it happens it's gone that's that's pretty much.

D : It.

G : yeah.

D : But they do have pre recorded, you know, like you, you know, like, especially when you're doing commercials.

D : You know you do we do a lot of production in radio, you know the commercials and some of the things for different markets and sometimes you know it's it's if it's a in TV they'll they'll they'll send all of this stuff down for all the ABC stations and so.

D : you're going to put in stuff so you can make sure.

D : Sound or all the Los Angeles stage and all the Atlanta Stacey has all the Chicago stations so.

D : If it's like you're going to cut them over and over again, with the same voice, the same thing, but then say in Chicago you know anything in Atlanta.

D : Can if you're out by hartsfield airport blah blah blah, you know you're adding things to make it sound, but they're shooting they're shooting those commercials or recording those commercials all together in one time and they send them out to the different markets.

G : Is this is this a failure upon has all the advertising is national, you know there isn't any regional I mean maybe there's like.

G : A New York City podcasts or something, but I think, for the most part, you know all the ads are basically national.

G : And even the large podcast when they're when they're doing an ad they're not going to say a specific place there's going to say there's going to be the Ad because it goes everywhere, and you know these things look for years, and you know people.

D : A lot of those because the the podcast is kind of a new format, it means when 1012 years old, but those advertising dollars.

D : are not as expensive.

D : So you can you can get a mention or like you said dynamic insert and they can last as long as the podcast is up and you can always add to it because they're cheaper but commercials you know, like during super bowl.

D : And there's certain things that are specific to that timeframe like commercials, for you know, like Easter or you know all the different holidays Halloween is a big one.

D : So you want to make sure those you don't want to like Oh, they messed up on a commercial and then now later, a week later, so I already have you ever heard on radio say and don't forget to go and get your candy for Halloween is like how many was last weekend.

D : But they had a run of schedule and those commercials are paid and block and they still haven't they didn't run out, it was a problem.

D : If they bumped the commercial then now they got to put them in that weekend and now all the wind might have been Friday and now you're doing it Sunday night.

D : Because they still pay to have it broadcast and it's not gonna they're not going to wait until next year, and they don't want to give money back, so they will run it.

D : yeah so.

G : Oh someone's pay for them Oh, but I didn't want to didn't want to back up a little bit.

G : Okay, so rss feeds or 22 years old.

G : And podcasters 17 years old.

G : Oh.

G : it's still relatively didn't.

D : seem like it was that long ago, but they got really, really popular recently you.

G : Know it's like.

G : That, I think you know they really came out but on on apple stuff but yeah they've been around.

G : Before the iPod for like almost 20 years now.

G : No, it doesn't.

D : And we're just now trying to break into this.

D : And everybody and their grandmother.

G : I actually my first.

G : My first started trying to podcast was probably around like 2000.

D : wow that far.

G : yeah yeah but there wasn't I only did like three or four episodes.

D : Before Facebook right.

G : I don't know if this preferred base but but.

G : That was it was like right when the first iPods came out.

G : yeah that's that's what I did it, but then, but then back then, I mean no one really listen to him.

G : So you got like know listeners, and there was no.

G : There was a.

G : apple had their podcast directory, but you know spotify didn't exist podcast didn't exist, you know, none of those things were there, it was really.

D : funny they used word pod because they had the iPod and now podcast.

D : originators.


G : It was there was like there was this radio station is like usual in radio, I think it was on.

G : It wasn't radios it was a podcast kind of thing.

G : But yeah that was.

G : That was the original like rss to iPods.

G : And that was 20 some years I was.

G : Much much, much younger but yeah I wanted to do it, but there was well we didn't have like you didn't have that much software or anything to do it with, but it was just basically i've just gotten into Taipei and.

G : I was basically doing a podcast about Taipei and.

G : That was pretty much I had no other ideas.

G : But the The strange thing was I you know it was it was neither here nor there my audience wasn't there because it was basically talking about people who that will be interesting for people who lived in Taipei.

G : yeah maybe be more interesting now with more people like traveling internationally and stuff like that, but at that time was like no one really listened to.

D : Some of the similarities.

D : terms that are translate between radio and podcast broadcast and podcasts so similar.

D : But we're getting short on time where's the time go.

D : I don't think we need to do a three.

G : Part three.

D : So somebody says we summarize, you know we get some of this this cross information that you know when we bring it up we'll we'll just refer to those as some of the terminology.

G : But it definitely I definitely underline I definitely learned about bed and bumper i'm still i'm still you know figure out how to understand that bad, especially when it comes to editing.

G : You know and fading and fading out but.

G : You know I like editing i'm getting better at it.

G : And now I do want to use some of the things about bed and Bob Byrne and doing like pickup lines.

G : And things like that, and just learn more about editing and putting it together professionally.

D : Well, maybe we can in our next back as we can just go over some adjusted terms.

G : yeah we kind of it anymore, I think that'd be great.

G : Some things and learn editing and pop editing these podcasts and other podcast.

D : Well let's thank our listeners for.

D : giving us their ear, we appreciate you listening to this, you have somebody who thinks should be doing, and we thank you for sharing your time with us, and hopefully learned some things and our next episode is coming, so you know be looking forward to us.


D : We didn't know anything.

D : i'm going to be as I didn't know, I have a clue but.

D : we've learned a lot, as we go along.

D : And it's just been a pleasure Greg great job.

G : Thanks for listening and I will talk to you later.

D : Like and subscribe and tell somebody else about it and we're on spotify we're on apple.

D : podcast Google podcasts and Amazon podcast.

D : Thanks for listening.

G : Thanks for listening.

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